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The brothel calls, but Didier Rain is lured by the promise of seeing a captured Pinheaded Poet from the Moon perform! Who could resist? But witnessing the mistreatment of a fellow bard is too much for Didier, and a daring rescue plan is hatched. In this short story of the Old West, we meet that scalawag antihero of The Epic of Didier Rain novels.
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"It would not be an exaggeration to say that Brian Kindall is a genius of sorts."- M of OhJustBooks
"Author Kindall has a magical way with words. His prose has a visionary quality; he truly shows while he tells this story."- Bookish Jen, TheBookSelfBlog
Adult Fiction
"A remarkable and sui generis historical novel." - Editor's Choice at Historical Novel Society
"I don't think I've ever read a book quite like this... It's well-written, surreal, evocative, whimsical, and lovely."- M of Oh Just Books
"Brian Kindall has the ability to both amuse and appall in this hilarious, heartbreaking and irreverent novel – a rare talent..." - Kat Kennedy, Amazon customer review
"...captivating, darkly comic..." - Blue Ink Review, Starred Review
"...Kindall has delivered another spectacular examination of the American psyche, a mindscape pullulating with religious fervor and sinful desire, but one at its very core is absurdly comic. Great stuff."- Michael Hartnett, author of The Blue Rat
"The writing is exceptional..."- The Historical Novel Society
A postmodernist homage to the men's adventure fiction of the 1950s.
"...Kindall does something wholly unexpected, and does so in a way that makes the book fall into sharp focus and allows Kindall to deliver a moral without ever moralizing..." - Josh Mauthe, Umney's Alley
Middle-Grade Fiction


Brian Kindall is an author living in the mountains of Central Idaho, a world with long winters perfectly designed for holing up and writing novels. His books range in diversity from classically evergreen middle-grade novels - Blue Sky, Pearl, and Sparrow - to the ongoing adult fiction series, The Epic of Didier Rain novels, Delivering Virtue and Fortuna and the Scapegrace, to his most recent publication, Escape from Oblivia – One man’s midlife crisis gone primal. His accolades include starred reviews at BlueInk and Foreword Reviews, finalist for ForeWord Reviews literary novel of the year award (Delivering Virtue), A Seal of Excellence awarded by Awesome Indies (Delivering Virtue), and Editor’s Choice at the Historical Novel Society (Delivering Virtue). Twisted humor is a given in Brian’s work, as those long winters mentioned earlier tend to drive a writer slightly mad.